What is NETS? NETS stands for The National Educational Technology Standards. These are the standards we as teachers should use to teach in the digital age. The NETS were created because technology has become such a big part of education. Just like in reading, math, writing, science, social studies, etc. we expect our students to be be using high order thinking, we should also expect that when they are using technology. The students should be accounted for their work, and making sure their work is appropriate. Not everything on the internet is correct and can be used. This is where the standards come in to help us. The
Standards for Students are: creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making, digital citizenship, and technology operations and concepts. When using technology we should incorporate these standards.
NETS also has
Standards for Teachers: facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments, model digital age work and learning, promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility, and engage in professional growth and leading. These standards will help us teachers evaluate the skills and knowledge we need to teach in the new digital age. We as teachers also need to make sure we are critical thinkers when using technology.
Here is the
NETS wiki space that they had created and is part of the website. It is very useful. If you click on your grade levels it gives websites that work well for that grade level.